Our CORE Collaborative Grants provide support for groups of multiple cross-sector partners with shared goals focused on long-term solutions for families with young children (prenatal to age 8) experiencing low income.
This CORE Approach combines two promising national models: Collective Impact, which is intentional, measured collaboration and a 2-Generational Approach, which focuses on the well-being of the whole family. This strategy fundamentally shifts the conversation around poverty from single programs to collaborative, cross-sector partnerships. Our five CORE Collaboratives focus their work on removing the barriers within and between the systems related to: early childhood education, postsecondary and employment pathways, economic assets, social capital, and health and well-being.
Seventy percent of our CORE Fund is allocated to CORE Collaborative grants. CORE grants are 3-year investments that began in January 2018.
All funding decisions were made by volunteers who also helped refine our investment focus. Grants were available to public and nonprofit organizations that met the minimum standards for eligibility and submitted all required eligibility documentation.